The Myth of Casual Sex
I have yet to find a person to argue for the morality of “casual” sex. Some say it’s not immoral, but “it’s not hurting anyone” is a poor reason to do anything.
A New Christian Sexual Ethic
I have yet to find a person to argue for the morality of “casual” sex. Some say it’s not immoral, but “it’s not hurting anyone” is a poor reason to do anything.
Questions about masturbation, birth control, premarital sex, homosexuality, nonbinary gender, and even open relationships need more than the unsupportable claim that “The Bible says it’s sinful”… because time after time the evidence does not support the mainstream conclusions. All these things can be sinful, and so can married, heterosexual, reproductive sex. The Biblical teaching about sexual sin does not draw the same lines as the dominant Christian traditions – whether conservative or liberal.
We cannot just dismiss the problem of sexual sin. It just looks completely different than what I expected when I set out to study it! Check out this video on YouTube…and send me a message if you want the full teaching. This is what we miss by translating the word porneia as fornication…and it’s the reason why I wrote a whole book on the topic.
A life of wisdom calls us to understand why we make the moral and ethical decisions that we do…and be able to explain it to others.
Here are some of the complicated issues we have to address in order to do this successfully: