Why I Created a Patreon

1. To Free my Time for Creative Work

This morning I woke up with the passion on my heart to create a course for Christian leaders that will help them shift their experience of sex from one governed by appetite and instinct, to one governed by an intention to love. The only thing I need to make this course is time.

Two days ago I created the outline for a book exploring the biblical texts related to the question of polyamory, non-monogamy, and open relationships. I continue to deepen my study on passages like 1 Corinthians 7. I have the experiences, the knowledge, and the invitation from many people to write this book. What I don’t have yet? Time

Before the year is out, I want to publish my faith journey in detail. This book is already written, it just needs to be edited (with my improved writing skills) and re-released. What will that take? You guessed it…

I haven’t even touched on the book about Christian education or the one for porn recovery that are both written and just need the funds for editing…

There is a flood that wants to pour through me, and I can’t release it alone. 

Will you help me?

Right now, my time is focused on developing a business that will sustain me while I create more resources. If I am able to receive enough support through Patreon, I can focus on my creative work and speed up this process by months or years.

2. To Build Community

I am loving the work that I do creating and sharing free content, and there is a good chance you know about the Facebook group where I hold a weekly mentorship call.

However, some people are ready to take the next step in their journey…and this requires community!

For a topic like this, confidentiality is key. We want to know that the other people with us have a similar value and desire for growth in sexual maturity. That’s why I created the inner circle and the mastermind tiers. There are conversations we can have in those groups that we cannot have in other contexts. 

I want to be available to support your growth in every way. As an investor, you receive resources. As a member of the inner circle, you become part of my growth journey along with a whole community of like-minded people. The mastermind is for those who are fully committed to my cause and/or their personal growth and want to work with me one-on-one more intensively. 

As time goes on, I will be creating courses and workshops, but none of them will cover the full scope of my work like the Patreon community. 

3. To Fulfill a Vision

People without a healthy relationship with their sexuality are often struggling in many parts of life. This makes it difficult for them to access the resources and support they need to grow! 

As an educator, I would simply give away all of my work for free. I just want people to read my books and experience the love and freedom that can be found through intimacy with God in every part of life!

That is not a good business model, even though it is necessary for me to achieve my vision of a healthy, thriving society for my children and grandchildren. 

If this is something you also want to see, Patreon gives you the chance to participate without having to develop the skills of research and writing that I  have developed over decades of practice. Now, I also want to help you cultivate these skills and grow, so there are two sides to this relationship.


Finally, relationship is the real reason why I have created this Patreon account. I want this to be a chance for us to walk together more closely, sharing the gifts God has given us, growing together, and celebrating the progress we make along the way!

When you have chosen a tier, please send me a message to say hello, share what God is doing in your life, how you are excited to grow, and what I can do to support you. Let’s begin this journey together!

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