The Dangerous Fallacy of Waiting Until Marriage

I grew up with the assumption that sexual ethics meant waiting until marriage to unleash the dragon of desire. Once I wore a wedding ring, sex was approved by God without any stipulations about how I approached it or how my partner felt about it. The only thing that mattered was that I never gave … Read more

How far is too far? An easy way to tell if it’s sexual immorality… Check out this video on YouTube…and send me a message if you want the full teaching. This is what we miss by translating the word porneia as fornication…and it’s the reason why I wrote a whole book on the topic.

Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce: An Old Testament Context

silver and gold pen on white paper

Jesus reinterpreted Old Testament teachings on divorce, claiming it was not intended in the original divine plan. He taught that unless a wife had acted immorally (porneia), divorcing her was tantamount to adultery. Therefore, marriage should not be dissolved arbitrarily, as was common in those times. His teachings marked a significant shift in viewing divorce as a breach of covenant, thus equalizing the relational responsibility of men and women. This concept and its implications call for deeper investigation.

Why I Created a Patreon

1. To Free my Time for Creative Work This morning I woke up with the passion on my heart to create a course for Christian leaders that will help them shift their experience of sex from one governed by appetite and instinct, to one governed by an intention to love. The only thing I need … Read more