It’s All About Women

The more deeply I study the questions of sexual ethics that face our modern culture, the more often I see this theme of women and the role of the woman as central to the discussion. Whether it’s polyamory, homosexuality, contraception, marriage, virginity, family…everything related to sex in the Bible seems to hinge around this question … Read more

Intimate Communication – Take it Fast; or Slow?

body of water beside beach sand

Sometimes you meet a person and it feels like you’ve known them forever. It is easy to just open up and bare your whole soul. They can hold it. They want to hold it. They want to hold you, and you want to be held by them. It is beautiful, especially when these feelings are mutual and you feel a sense of deep connection that may last an entire lifetime.

Polyamory and the Bible

A life of wisdom calls us to understand why we make the moral and ethical decisions that we do…and be able to explain it to others.

Here are some of the complicated issues we have to address in order to do this successfully:

Lust is NOT a Sin

Christians are not supposed to have sexual desire. Here’s why:

Lust is a sin
Christians are not supposed to sin
Christians are not supposed to lust.

And if lust is the same thing as sexual desire…

Eternal Life

For years now, I have avoided the mundane, the ordinary, the path of the common folk. Let me rise above the banality of living in the “real world,” as they call it, and find the magic of life. Separation from the sinners. A retreat from the world into the monastery of the soul. Let me … Read more

Anger is Not a Sin

A few years ago I was teaching a group of students through the book of Genesis and we paused in Chapter 4 when one of them pointed out a fascinating conversation between God and Cain. If anyone has ever been in a conversation that didn’t work the way you want it to, you would probably … Read more