If you’re looking for another book on the sinfulness of sex outside of marriage or the need to accept everybody’s sexual preferences, this isn’t it.
Decrying the ignorance that masquerades as purity or godly sexuality, Jenson summons the liberal and conservative church alike to repentance and maturity in our understanding and experience of sex and spirituality.
A lifeless and unbiblical “ethic” rooted in gnostic, platonic, and enlightenment thinking has sapped the spiritual vitality of the sexual experience for millions of Christians who do not know how to have a healthy relationship with the body and its natural desires.
Paying lip-service to ethics with the assumption that married = moral, there is little thought given to how the call to love God with all one’s heart, soul, mind, and strength might extend beyond the marriage ceremony and into the bedroom.
Can it really be God’s will that his children be uninformed and haphazard about His first commandment and blessing to humanity?
Sacred not Sinful delivers an earnest and searing wake-up call to move beyond the moral impotence of sexual standards that have ensnared the church and culture in a web of shame, confusion, and oppression.
Humbly deconstructing his own experience, Jenson exposes the problematic teachings of purity culture that permeate modern society, and then uncovers a path to sexual flourishing for all humans regardless of sex, gender, or relationship status.
His clear love of the scripture and deep persistent faith shine through intensive research and personal wrestling through what the bible says about polyamory, homosexuality, premarital sex, gender identity, pornography, and the intimate connection between sex and spirituality in the Christian life.
This courageous and insightful work unravels the toughest ethical questions with positive candor, an open heart, and academic rigor, illuminating what sex reveals about God, the world, and ourselves.
Its roots sink deep into theological and philosophical history, blending a personal story of discovery with biblical analysis, deep reflection, and gentle conclusions.
Confident that God has called us to liberate the oppressed, to bring light to the darkness, Christians must overcome their fear and learn what it takes to become a landmark of sexual integrity, freedom, and skill in the midst of a confused culture.
Are you ready to break the silent chains of ignorance that keep millions of people from the intimacy and ecstacy of God’s design for sexual wholeness?
This may be the first modern book on Christian sexual ethics to go beyond “married = moral” and “love who you love”!
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I sometimes listen to trauma informed sex therapists, even ones informed about christian purity culture.. but often they aren't 'insiders' or aren't really addressing the bible, they're just encouraging people to be free and enjoy pleasure more..
..what I think needs to be done is the 'tough work' of examining every text and explaining it well.
I think I've trawled the internet and your channel is one of the only ones saying what you're saying in a very studious and educated and biblically-informed way..

I’m having a moment right now, a realization that God and Sex were as absolutely as different as God and Satan in my childhood learning....The separation of the two was total. I’ve just now had the thought that it’s possible the bringing together of the two is what will heal my own division from God.

Wild Goose Festival
Such an important book Dr. Kevin Jenson hits on topics that are taboo. This is a wonderful book to bring you to a better answer on any and all questions about the Christian Sexual Ethic. I like how at the root of all of his teachings, he focuses on the basis of the Bible....love God and love your neighbor. He is also very personable and will talk to you via socials with any additional questions you have. He is very personable and down to earth. I highly recommend this book.

Digging for Answers
Amazon Review